I love a good cake mix. I've already shared a recipe or two on my Legacy of Stitches blog and Betty Crocker was often there! This time, I called on the Pillsbury Doughboy. To make the little cupcakes you will need......
One Pillsbury Moist Supreme Classic White Cake Mix
One container Pillsbury Creamy Frosting Vanilla
Package of Flaked Coconut
Mini muffin tins (to make 24 muffins)
Now I realize that not all of you are in the States so if you can't get a Pillsbury cake mix, just mix up a white cake mix. Yellow cake mix will not do as these are snowballs, remember. Back to baking.........Prepare cake batter by following package directions. Spray mini muffin tins with cooking spray, then fill each cupcake well two-thirds full. You will have enough cake batter left to make twelve regular size cupcakes or one 9 x 9" cake. I made cupcakes and dipped them in sprinkles because that's what my husband prefers instead of coconut. Bake the cupcakes about ten minutes or til lightly golden (see photo).
To frost the cupcakes, place half the container of frosting in a glass bowl and then microwave for 15 seconds, no longer. You just want to soften it, not liquidate it. :-) Put some coconut in a small bowl and get ready to dip.
This proved to be an interesting photo op as I have the camera in my right hand and I am dipping with my left-hand. I am not left-handed so this was a challenge in coord
Dip each cupcake in the frosting, then dip into the coconut and place on a pretty plate. If the frosting begins to stiffen, just stir with a spoon. In just a few minutes, you will have a whole plate full of little Cupcake Snowballs! If you like coconut, you will really like these. It was kind of like eating a little bite of coconut pie! Yum!!
So who will eat all of these because I surely don't need them. Well, my friend Carolyn is celebrating her 95th birthday this Saturday and I think I will stop by with them on Friday and bring her a card, too.
So, now you have an idea for tea and goodies, what about a project. To keep with the winter theme, I have another Snowman design for you. This one is a design I drew for some notecards in 1994. I was working for a computer company at the time and my co-workers liked the sketches I would draw and encouraged me to print them as notecards. The design was pretty detailed so I scanned it in, then enlarged it and redesigned it without so much detail.
So, now you have an idea for tea and goodies, what about a project. To keep with the winter theme, I have another Snowman design for you. This one is a design I drew for some notecards in 1994. I was working for a computer company at the time and my co-workers liked the sketches I would draw and encouraged me to print them as notecards. The design was pretty detailed so I scanned it in, then enlarged it and redesigned it without so much detail.

So, are you ready to relax? Then make that cup of tea and if you don't want to bake, then grab a cookie or cracker from the cupboard. Too busy to start this project? Then work on one that is already in progress. Remember, the important thing is to relax.
Til next time,
Blessings for a lovely day!
Simply lovely Sandi! I think if we all sat down with a cup of tea for just a little while every day, how pleasant that would be.
I love your little snowmen in love. Your ceramic snowmen are darling too.
I'd have tea with you every day if I could!
LOVE the snowpeople and yes...I need the PDF. (Sorry to be such a pain.) I love your tea party, too. With my acid reflux, I have to be careful with my tea consumption, unfortunately. The tannic acid can play bad tricks on me...even though I take daily meds for the acid reflux. NOT fun....*sigh*
Wonderful. The cupcakes look so delish.
Thank you so much for sharing the recipe AND snowman instructions!!! i drink my Celestial Sleepytime tea nightly!! YUM hehe Hope you have a WONDERFUL day! :D
I have been thinking about doing some red work for a long time...and this looks like fun.
I think I will enjoy making the snowmen...
And, coconut is MY favorite cake...so, you know I will be making those...
Oooh! Thanks for sharing your snow people.
thanks for the recipe and directions for those snowball cupcakes. i have a snowman plate that is just waiting to be filled with some goodies, and these are perfect.
Oh I am excited. I have been waiting on this. Thanks for telling the stitches to use because I want to learn this so bad. I also want to try the cupcakes and you need to tell me how to make a good cup of tea. Do you use cream, sugar, lemon....or what? I will work on this next week. We have to go to my brother in laws memorial service tomorrow. Thanks for sharing.
Make the time to take the time or Take the time to make the time...tea is a way of slowing down. I've been experiencing with tea and believe it or not, I just had a cup of the same Twinings tea that you showed ;).
I am going to try your miniature coconut cakes and the stitchery. Could I have the pdf version too? playa@sympatico.ca. Thanks in advance and I will back in February. I'm looking forward to your next tea.
Sandy--I so enjoyed this post. You are truly an artist. The sketch of the snow people is just precious. I can't believe you keep up with 3 blogs. I have trouble keeping up with one (and a half-I am a member of a group blog). Thanks for the recipe also.
Hi Sandi!
My friend, Molly, sent me the link to your blog and I really enjoyed it! I was totaly lost in relaxation reading about your winter day. Thanks for a great trip!
Sandi, I think I may make some coconut cupcakes and shock the heck out of my family.
I was sorry to hear about your Dad and hope that your Mom is doing well.
I love to embroider~~I love your snowmen and the tea talk. I am always teased about my tea-drinking. Some of our children's friends say becareful about her tea and things like you drink her tea and we will take your keys away. LOL I make lots of tea from wild herbs and regular teas too.
I just discovered your blogs - what fun. I will definitely be back each month for tea. I've recently begun enjoying Tension Tamer tea - along with my other favorites - white tea and Constant Comment.
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