There were two kinds of tea parties that we played at when I was a kid..........there were "mud pie" tea parties and then there were tea parties where we actually had some tea and cookies. Thinking about that reminded me of a treat that I loved when I was young...........SUGAR sandwiches. Yes, that's right........soft white bread (Wonder Bread in the 50's), real butter and pure white sugar. Looks just like the half-sandwich you see in my photo. Only difference is that I went "light" on the sugar but I used real butter. And with that cup of English Breakfast tea, it was delicious. In fact, I had forgotten how good a SUGAR sandwich can taste!!! The other snack I liked was frosted soda crackers. When there were not "real" cookies in the cupboards, my mom would make up some vanilla icing and spread it on crackers. The combination of the sweet and salty is really tasty. When I grew and married and there were not cookies in the house, I, to0, made frosted crackers for a treat. I think they are even better than frosted graham crackers!
This was just a simple tea today. After all of yesterday's treats, I didn't need much of a snack. If you haven't tried a sugar sandwich or frosted crackers, take a chance and see if it might be just the thing for a snack tonight!